4 Stages of Butterfly Life Cycle
Internet Resources
Teaching Materials
Internet Resources
National Geographic Kids

This website gives students the chance to explore fun facts on the monarch butterfly. It shows students pictures of the butterflies, videos to explore and interactive maps of where they can be found. This is a great tool that can help students become experts on the monarch butterfly and also many other species.
San Diego Zoo KIDS

This website is a fun, colorful and interactive place for students to come to learn about butterflies. The animal noises and sounds of life that fill the classroom when you click on the link will get all of the students excited to learn. The butterfly link clearly displays important information about butterflies such as their habitats, where they live and what they eat. They also have interactive activities where students can color in butterflies or make their own with tissue paper. All students will be locked to the screen when exploring this site.
NWF for Kids

NWF is the National Wild Life Federation. This website is a great interactive way for students to follow “Ranger Rick” and learn great things about any animal they might want to learn about. It is great for learning about butterflies because students can search and find so many fun facts, activities and games related to butterflies. This is a great way for the students to expand their understanding on the topic while having fun.